black sun

美 [blæk sʌn]英 [blæk sʌn]
  • 网络黑日;黑太阳;黑色太阳
black sunblack sun
  1. Though expensive to maintain , such considerations were paltry to someone as wealthy as the head of Black Sun .


  2. Not even Black Sun Vigos were safe from his dual blaster pistols .


  3. The Black Sun symbol can be found in many Babylonian and Assyrian places of worship .


  4. They depicted the Black Sun - the godhead 's inner light in the form of a cross .


  5. Black Sun portrays the ancient and timeless relationship between a man and woman showing the constant struggle between conflict and harmony .


  6. Rather , grinding through her imprecations is a scandalous joviality without hope , rays from a black sun .


  7. Their source of power was the Black Sun , an infinite beam of light which - though invisible to the human eye - exists in anti-matter .


  8. In the novel Black Sun , American writer Edward Abbey relies upon cultural models of love and loss found within Renaissance sonnets to explore how loss alters identity .


  9. 29-year-old Hilton looked stunning in a floppy black sun hat and a cutaway leopard print one piece which showed off her toned and tanned body to perfection .


  10. Air look black , sun look black .


  11. His skin was burnt nearly black by the sun and his clothes were made from pieces of a ship 's sail .


  12. Sitting in a row on the dike were some naked children , burned black by the sun from head to toe .


  13. Various chloasma , cyasma , black spot , sun spot , low-grade peeling spot , various biogliph , anti-sallow , desalinate the low-grade freckle , and those have symptoms of melanin formation .


  14. Most solar heating systems use large aluminum or alloy sheets , painted black to absorb the sun 's heat .


  15. The Brief Discussion of Taiwan Black Tea : Taking Sun Moon Lake Black Tea as an Example


  16. Time and the bell have buried the day , The black cloud carries the sun away .


  17. Then solitary figures appear , black against the rising sun & peasants with their water buffaloes hitched to wooden plows .


  18. But wait , try to look at the picture from another angle , is not the black spot like the sun in the daybreak moment , the darkest moment before the sunrise ?


  19. Look not upon me , because I am black , because the sun hath looked upon me : my mother 's children were angry with me ; they made me the keeper of the vineyards ; but mine own vineyard have I not kept .
